Wow! I didnt realise it had been that long ago that I last blogged! I didn't really blog in the summer holidays as I hardly did any crafting as I wanted to spend all my time with the boys. They are all back at school now & really enjoy it, the middle started reception & my baby started pre school so I have free mornings now. Dont they look smart on their 1st day!?
Finding it hard to motivated again now, I've been doing the recycled jewellery still as always have orders for that but couldnt be bothered with anything else. I have a few craft fairs coming up though so that has started to motivate me to get cracking!
We've also bought a couple of chickens! Speckle & Gracie have been with us for a week now, not laid any eggs yet as I think they are not quite at laying point but its been fun having them. I let them out in the garden free range for the 1st time yesterday & was worried they would manage to escape but they were fine so I will let them out more often now.
Hopefully they will lay us some eggs soon. I'll keep you posted!